Vanuatu Situation Report – Issued 31 May Covering 30 May to 31 May 2022
- On 04 March 2022, an active COVID-19 case was confirmed at Vila Central Hospital who had no travel history, indicating transmission at community level.
- As of 17 May the following recommendations have been made:
- Vanua Lava and Gaua now move to Recovery Level 1. Torres group (Hiu, Toga, Loh, Tequa, Metoma) to move to Recovery Level 1 and the rest of the Banks group (Merelava, Merig, Mota, Ureparapara) to remain at COVID-19 Alert Level 1. Motalava now moves to Alert Level 3
- Tanna and Erromango – COVID 19 Alert Level 3 and Aneityum, Aniwa and Futuna to remain at COVID-19 Alert Level 1.
- Pentecost to move to Recovery Level 1 and Ambae and Maewo to remain at COVID 19 Alert Level 1.
- All the islands of Malampa province remain at COVID-19 Alert Level 1.
- Efate and its offshore islands to remain at Recovery Level 1 and Epi, Tongoa and Shepherds group (Makira, Buninga, Mataso, Emae, Tongariki) to remain at COVID 19 Alert Level 1.
- Santo and its offshore islands and Malo Island to move to Recovery Level 1
- A total of 9223 confirmed cases have been reported since the beginning of 2022.
- 90 new confirmed cases have been reported in the last 24 hours, 36 in TAFEA Province (Tanna), 8 in SHEFA (Efate and Nguna), 16 in TORBA Province (Vanua Lava and Lo), 28 in PENAMA Province (Ambae and Pentecost) and 2 in SANMA Province (Santo). The accuracy of the data is based on the accuracy of the case notification. **Discrepancies with previous reports result from change of recording case system on today 30 May. The dashboard data is henceforth using UTC data.**
- After having reported its first case border on 09 May, Ambae island reported its first community cases. 32 active cases reported since 29 May. Case investigation and contact tracing ongoing.
- No hospitalization is reported during this period.