The Ministry of Health and the National Health Cluster developed a COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan in early 2020, which sets out the activities and resources required to prevent and mitigate COVID-19 in Vanuatu. The most recent updated version was released in December 2022. This is a working document that will be revised and adjusted periodically as the situation evolves nationally, regionally and globally.
The strategic goals focus on preventing importation and ensuring detection of imported cases “at the border”, slowing and stopping transmission, optimised care for patients, and minimising impact on health systems, social services and economic activity.
The strategic objectives for achieving these goals are:
- Activation of coordination and emergency response mechanisms
- Prevention and mitigation of COVID-19 infections by limiting human-to-human transmission, including through quarantine and vaccination
- Adequate risk communication and community engagement on COVID-19 to all communities and counter misinformation
- Early detection and isolation of suspected COVID-19 cases through an active and functional surveillance system
- Proper clinical management of suspected and confirmed SARI/COVID-19 cases, including infection prevention and control and isolation of cases
- Maintain essential health service provision, delivered through approaches to prevent and mitigate COVID-19 infections
The previous version of the Plan defined transmission scenarios. In the updated sixth version, these transmission scenarios have been linked to alert levels and define the area for implementation of measures. These overarching classifications, definitions and recommended measures may be adjusted based on the evolving situation.
For detailed information please see the Health Sector Preparedness and Response Plan (Version 6).