Vanuatu Situation Report – Issued 16 May Covering 15 May to 16 May 2022
On 04 March 2022, an active COVID-19 case was confirmed at Vila Central Hospital who had no travel history,
indicating transmission at community level.
Vanuatu Situation Report – Issued 15 May Covering 14 May to 15 May 2022
On 04 March 2022, an active COVID-19 case was confirmed at Vila Central Hospital who had no travel history,
indicating transmission at community level.
Vanuatu Situation Report – Issued 14 May Covering 13 May to 14 May 2022
On 04 March 2022, an active COVID-19 case was confirmed at Vila Central Hospital who had no travel history,
indicating transmission at community level.
Vanuatu Situation Report – Issued 13 May Covering 12 May to 13 May 2022
On 04 March 2022, an active COVID-19 case was confirmed at Vila Central Hospital who had no travel history,
indicating transmission at community level.
of 05 May 2022, Shefa Province have moved to Recovery level 1, Sanma province moved to recovery
level 2 while Torba province and Pentecost, Tanna, Erromango and Aneityum are at Alert Level 3 (Very
High) due to large-scale community transmission
A total of 8383 confirmed cases have been reported since the beginning of 2022.
89 new confirmed cases have been reported in the last 24 hours, 88 in SHEFA Province (Efate), 1 in SANMA
Province (Santo) and 0 Cases in TORBA, PENAMA and TAFEA Province. The accuracy of the data is based
on the accuracy of the case notification. **Discrepancies with previous reports result from lags in data
entry, reporting at provincial level AND data cleaning at National level**
No hospitalization is reported during this period.
Vanuatu Situation Report – Issued 12 May Covering 11 May to 12 May 2022
On 04 March 2022, an active COVID-19 case was confirmed at Vila Central Hospital who had no travel history,
indicating transmission at community level.
As of 05 May 2022, Shefa Province have moved to Recovery level 1, Sanma province moved to recovery
level 2 while Torba province and Pentecost, Tanna, Erromango and Aneityum are at Alert Level 3 (Very
High) due to large-scale community transmission
A total of 8289 confirmed cases have been reported since the beginning of 2022.
48 new confirmed cases have been reported in the last 24 hours, 2 in SANMA Province (Santo), 35 in
PENAMA Province (Pentecost), 2 in Shefa province (Moso), and 9 in Tafea Province (Tanna) and 0 in Torba
Province. The accuracy of the data is based on the accuracy of the case notification. **Discrepancies with
previous reports result from lags in data entry and reporting at provincial level**
Nguna island in shefa province first detected community cases on 7 of May with a total of 13 cases,
including 4 in the last 24 hours. First community cases reported in Moso island
1 case reported at the border (currently in quarantine) in Ambae. Investigation and contact tracing
No hospitalization is reported during this period.